Jersey EVERETT TOUR REVOLT RED with detachable sleeves

0.00€inc. VAT

XS : Out of stock
Store Brno: 0 pcs
Store Jeseník: 0 pcs

S : Skladem
Store Brno: 0 pcs
Store Jeseník: 0 pcs

M : Skladem
Store Brno: 1 pcs
Store Jeseník: 1 pcs

L : Skladem
Store Brno: 1 pcs
Store Jeseník: 0 pcs

XL : Out of stock
Store Brno: 0 pcs
Store Jeseník: 0 pcs

XXL : Out of stock
Store Brno: 0 pcs
Store Jeseník: 0 pcs

3XL : Out of stock
Store Brno: 0 pcs
Store Jeseník: 0 pcs

5XL : Out of stock
Store Brno: 0 pcs
Store Jeseník: 0 pcs

Choose size
Product Code

Variant Array ( [attribute_id] => 12 [name] => Variant [text] => unisex )

Weather Array ( [attribute_id] => 13 [name] => Weather [text] => summer, changeable )
summer, changeable

windproof soft + coolspark

1-3 work days

Spojte styl a týmovou identitu. Tento produkt si můžete upravit ve vlastním designu pro váš klub nebo firemní tým.

Poptat vlastní design

cycling jersey everett in revolt red design with zipped detachable sleeves. the jersey offers underlaid zip in the front, three-part pocket and reflective trim and non-slip elastic waistband. front part and long sleeves are made of zerowind bike material and short sleeves and back part of coolspark.

this is a looser version of  "1301 everett " jersey and therefore suitable for all sportsmen. however for slimmer figures we recommend more tight-fitting version "1301 everett".


this sportswear is ideal for cycling and in-line skating. 


Poptat vlastní design:

Jersey EVERETT TOUR REVOLT RED with detachable sleeves

Pole označené * je povinné.

Size charts

Unisex / men's sizes in cm

size     chest             waistline          height
XS 78 - 83 67 - 72 158 - 164
S 84 - 89 73 - 78 165 - 171
M 90 - 95 79 - 85 172 - 178
L 96 - 101 86 - 91 179 - 185
XL 102 - 107 92 - 97 186 - 192
XXL 108 - 113 98 - 103 193 - 199
3XL 114 - 119 104 - 109 please provide
4XL 120 - 125 110 - 114 please provide

Women's sizes

size  chest         waistline         hipline         height
XS 79 - 84 62 - 67 85 - 90 158 - 160
S 85 - 90 68 - 73 91 - 96 161 - 164
M 91 - 96 74 - 79 97 - 102 165 - 170
L 97 - 102 80 - 85 103 - 108 171 - 174
XL 103 - 108 86 - 91 104 - 114 175 - 180
XXL 109 - 114 92 - 97 115 - 120 181 - 185

Children's sizes

height        chest         waistline        hipline        
122 61 - 62 56 - 57 66 - 67
128 63 - 64 58 - 59 68 - 69
134 65 - 66 59 - 60 70 - 72
140 67 - 68 60 - 61 73 - 74
146 69 -72 62 - 63 75 - 78
152 73 - 76 64 - 65 79 - 82
158 77 - 80 66 - 67 83 - 86
164 81 - 84 68 - 69 87 - 90

Hat and gaiter sizes

size   head  circumference     arm circumference         leg circumference           foot length         
XS 51 - 53 21 - 23 47 - 49 24 - 25
S 54 - 56 24 - 26 50 - 52 26 - 27
M 27 - 29 53 - 55 28 - 29
L 57 - 59 30 - 32 56 - 58 30 - 31
XL 33 - 35 59 - 61 32 - 33
XXL 60 - 62 36 - 38 62 - 63 34 - 35

All sizes are based on the measurements of the figure, not the clothes.

1 - height
2 - chest
3 - waistline
4 - hipline
5 - leg length
6 - leg length (up to crutch)
7 - arm length (from neck to wrist)
8 - arm circumference
9 - leg circumference